Falls Prevention

Falls Prevention

Slips, trips and falls can happen to anyone, but they are more common and more significant as we get older, because we are more likely to injure ourselves.

People often dismiss falls as ‘part of getting older’ or ‘just not concentrating’ but they are often a warning sign that something is not right, so it is important to discuss any fall with your doctor.

Did you know?

Falls are a common problem for older people and are often the reason people are admitted to hospital or move to a nursing home or hostel.

The likelihood of a fall increases partly because of the natural changes that happen as our bodies age.

The good news

  • Many falls are preventable.
  • Injury from falls can be minimised.
  • Ageing does not have to mean a loss of independence.

People fall for a variety of reasons. In some cases a number of things combine to cause a fall. The reasons or causes for falls are known as risk factors.

Some older people are more likely to fall than others. This is because they have more risk factors. These can result from illness or a less healthy lifestyle. The more risk factors a person has, the more likely they are to fall.

 If you know your risk factors and deal with as many as possible, you can greatly reduce your risk of falling.
This attached booklet will give you some ideas about how to do this. There are many things you can do to reduce your risk of falling.

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