Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy is aimed at assisting people to engage in everyday, meaningful activities. These activities can include work, hobbies and daily tasks such as cooking, cleaning and showering.

Our occupational therapist can provide assessment at your home, in the community, hospital, aged care facility, school or at your workplace.

Some common reasons for needing occupational therapy include: having an injury or illness (including mental health) that is impacting on your ability to complete your daily tasks, experiencing changes in your mobility, having a fall and experiencing difficulties with your memory.

Our occupational therapists can provide strategies and assistance for those caring for someone who has an illness, injury or memory impairment.

Common occupational therapy intervention includes: prescription of home modifications and adaptive equipment, education on strategies to manage fatigue and/or pain, falls prevention and education on strategies to manage memory impairment.

If you would like to see the occupational therapist you can refer yourself by contacting the Hospital Reception
(03) 5585 9830 or you can speak to your GP about getting a referral.

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