Whilst some organisations have put staff on leave, closed programs and shut down. The Edenhope & District Memorial Hospital Primary Health team have taken the COVID-19 pandemic from a different angle.
“When restrictions first came in and we were told that we were no longer able to run the day program, the team and the community were devastated.” said Primary Health Manager Robyn Salt.
“The day program for some is the only social contact that they have with their friends, and initially we had no idea how long this pandemic would continue”.
The team did not miss a beat and straight away commenced welfare checks on all those that attended Day Programs, Chronic Conditions and Exercise Programs.
“At one stage it took a week for the team to call all the people on the list and then it was time to start again.”
It was at a meeting a week into the pandemic that they put their heads together to work out a way they could still look after the community, provide a meaningful service whilst keeping in touch with their clients.
“The staff raised a few ideas and off they went, they took vegies out in packs for Soup Days – asking the clients to send us back a picture, Biscuit in a Jar days, Paintings on Canvas, Puzzles and Trivia Packs, Take-Away Thursdays, Newsletters, Gardening Packs, Rock Painting Packs, Coffee afternoon at the café Days. You name it they have done it” said Robyn.
The staff from the Day Program have just completed their 25th newsletter and Activity Pack for over a hundred residents throughout the Edenhope community.
The staff have continued to provide a variety of packs and puzzles to keep the community occupied. The community have responded by sending their appreciation in every week since we went into Isolation back in March/April.
The exercise program has also continued online, classes have been streamed live on facebook, and are also available on the hospital’s youtube page to be done at any time.
“We have heard that people from Melbourne are also participating in Cath’s classes” sadi Robyn.
“I want to thank the Day Programs Staff, Chronic Conditions, Health Promotions and Social Work Department for continuing to support everyone under these trying circumstances. “