The Rural outreach has been in operation since December 2018 and has helped over 1300 community members in times of psychological distress across West Wimmera, Hindmarsh, Yarriambiack and Horsham Rural city.
Demand has steadily increased , the Rural Outreach team provided vital support throughout Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 addressing the lack of services and travel issues. Through a collective response the program was able to respond to the complexed needs of restricted border access between South Australia and Victoria.
The 1300 number was promoted broadly in the border corridor for any support needed including assistance with permits and finding alternative care and services in Victoria.
The team now consist of 3 rural outreach workers, intake worker and a coordinator. The excellent work of the program has been exemplified through research completed by Swinburne University. The program has been made possible by our valued partners with a collective concern and passion to help and support our communities.
In February 2019 the Royal Commission into Victorian Mental Health system was established and highlighted the plight of rural Victorians and the challenges we face. It is evident the Rural Outreach Program is vital in supporting and navigating people to the best place with the very limited services we have in our region.
As you may be aware the funding for this highly needed program ends on June 3oth. We have approached the State government Minister Foley and Minister Merlino for and extension of 3 years. We are needing $570k per annum to effectively run the program and are appealing to you the community to advocate and promote the Rural Outreach Program across all platforms and government sectors.
If you would like to write to the ministers office to advocate for this service to continue and to support our funding application you can send letters to:
Martin Foley MP
Minister for Health
Level 22, 50 Lonsdale Street,
Melbourne, VIC 3000
James Merlino MP
Minister for Mental Health
Level3, 1 Treasury Place
East Melbourne, Vic 3002
If you are not sure what to write, here is a
template letter or contact our data intake officer on 55859803 or email or alternatively call into the Health & Wellbeing Hub and see Marnie and she can help you with the letter.
Please reach out if you require the service of The Rural Outreach program Monday-Friday (Non-urgent. 1300 688 732.