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Sara McDonnell • Jun 17, 2024

Grampians Health commits to Environmental Sustainability Plan

Some of us talk about wanting to reduce our environmental impact and some of us are actually doing it. Grampians Health Executive Assistant Jodi Finnigan is among the latter. 

“The bra I’m wearing right now is made from industrial starch instead of petroleum,” she says offhandedly. 

“I don’t do everything right but if I can change one thing at a time, I’m doing my bit.” 

Along with buying natural cleaning products and carefully managing waste, Ms Finnigan brought her passion for the environment to work. 

She started collecting Grampians Health Edenhope’s used bottle tops years ago – about 7,800 every year – and personally delivers them to a Mount Gambier company, which turns them into fencing droppers. 

Ms Finnigan, along with Support Services Manager Kurtis Stringer, was also among a team that developed the new Grampians Health Environmental Sustainability Plan. 

Released on World Environment Day, the plan commits to energy-efficient systems, green building practices and waste reduction strategies across all five sites. 

“The health sector is a big CO2 producer, because our hospitals must run 24/7 and we’re constantly heating buildings,” Mr Stringer said. 

“Some of that is necessary but we can focus on purchasing sustainable options and make sure we’re streaming waste for recycling. 

“I’m really proud that our organisation is making the commitment and leading the way for others in our industry.” 

The duo’s passion is contagious, with more than 20 staff members attending a voluntary workshop about improving sustainability. 

Staff made their own pledges to plant trees, avoid single-use plastics and always remember their re-usable coffee cup. 

“Every person does make a difference and when we band together as an organisation, it brings it front of mind,” Mr Stringer said. 

 “If we’re all thinking about it at work, that will flow on to what we’re doing at home and inspire others around us.” 

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