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Sara McDonnell • Jun 17, 2024

Farmers gather in hundreds in response to devastating season

Rural Outreach workers are calling on farmers to take action if their mental health starts spiralling, amid a devastating season. 

The Wimmera has experienced its driest autumn in 16 years, forcing farmers to buy in feed and manually distribute it for months on end. 


More than 400 farmers attended two 'Best Wool Best Lamb' industry workshops in western Victoria. 


Rural Outreach worker Murray McInnes was invited to present in Edenhope, in response to widespread burnout and anxiety. 


“This is a new experience for the younger farmers so it’s hitting them hardest, and there’s no sign of a real (rain) break coming,” Mr McInnes said. 


“Some stress is normal but, if it is dragging on and typical coping strategies aren’t working, it’s time to reach out for help. 


“The key message is that there are several options available and no one has to endure this alone.” 


Mr McInnes is one of three Grampians Health outreach workers delivering free mental health assistance across western Victoria; the trio travels 28,000 square-kilometres, to meet with people in their homes or paddocks. 


The non-clinical service aims to prevent serious mental health episodes and, when necessary, help people to navigate the healthcare system. 


Although farmers’ workloads are heavier than typical, Mr McInnes urged them to consider time away from dry paddocks. 


“Studies have shown that farmers who regularly take some time for themselves are actually financially better off,” he said. 


“Think about it; nobody makes consistently good decisions when they are tired and stressed.” 


Best Wool Best Lamb event organiser Tim Leeming said connecting with peers was just as important as developing farming strategies. 


“I came up with the idea when I noticed a few neighbours had stopped waving and were showing some bad signs,” he said. 


“It’s about sharing ideas around addressing the feed deficit, but it’s also about getting people together for those social and mental benefits. 


"When you look at how many people turned up, it shows that we're all in the same boat and figuring out the best way to get through." 


To contact the free Rural Outreach service phone 1300 OUTREACH (1300 688 732) or by visiting 

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